The Aftermath
Welcome to our after movie review show! This is a podcast where two friends sit down and talk about movies or TV shows directly after we've watch them. Ian and Dylan are the regular hosts, and sometimes we invite our friends on to help us spice it up a little.
The Aftermath
Is That Another Word For Coffin - Dragon Ball Z: Broly - The Legendary Super Saiyan | The Aftermath Ep.245
Ian Wolffe / Dylan
Episode 245
It’s hard to believe that someone can hold a grudge from when they were babies, but Broly can, and boy does he hate Goku. As per usual Goku is pretty unaware, while Broly is seething every time he lays eyes on him. Broly is crazy, he literally told these goblin people: “What do you expect from a true freak?” Piccolo help!
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Ian Wolffe